We have partnered with a range of organisations to deliver unique projects to reduce home food waste reduction
Retailers / brands
Kitche provides a solution for companies to meet their targets and measure their impact and emissions of customers’ behaviour at home
Receive valuable data to Improve product, e.g. package sizes and price
Drive consumer loyalty and generate positive PR
local authorities
Food waste collection and treatment is very costly for local authorities with food waste prevention campaigns increasingly rely on outdated statistics and tired resources.
Kitche provides unique tech innovation through technology for campaign delivery with ROI
A huge range of content e.g. activity packs and recipes & data from the Kitche app
Off the shelf
Home food waste data dashboard – Provide area / keyword for tracking
1:1 meetings to set KPIs and report content (At start/end)
30K social media followers and newsletter subscribers
360 bespoke
Surveys and home food waste market data
Qualitative and quantitative research reports
Bespoke content, chef access, livestreams, recipes and hacks
Schools, retailers, festivals, trade and consumer media
Over the past 9 months of working together, we’ve seen a significant number of citizens engage with the Kitche app and we’ve gained actionable insights into food waste that we can address in-store. We learned that cooked meat products were wasted more than expected, along with more typically wasted products like bread and fruit/veg. We will use these valuable insights to support our plans to reduce food waste.
The complementary nature of the two app approaches and functionality [Kitche and OLIO] meant that the project was not only able to increase awareness of the urgent need to tackle food waste, but also to directly capture valuable information that could enhance future waste management strategies.
Working with Kitche has been a great opportunity to help identify and address behaviour towards food within our community. We have gained valuable insight into food waste related behaviour which is particularly important given the current cost of living crisis. A qualitative study has also revealed more specific insight such as shopping behaviour, food waste reduction motives and how residents value their food. This pilot will help us to inform future behaviour change communications with our residents.
Working with the Kitche team was a brilliant experience from start to finish. The team are all so passionate about reducing food waste at home and making a difference. We’d definitely recommend other councils to get in touch to consider a partnership with the Kitche team in their area.
We partnered with Kitche to engage with residents on how to use the food they buy and highlight why this is good for the environment and their pocket. We trialled new ways to encourage users to download Kitche – from traditional magazine adverts and social posts, to printing panels on the sides of our waste trucks and stickers for food waste recycling caddies. The team at Kitche were really easy to work with and the reports they provided help gather valuable data for messaging (e.g what food is often ditched by users of Kitche).
contact kitche to hear more
contact kitche to hear more
WRAP has worked with Kitche on several occasions and always found it a highly motivated business in the sphere of food waste reduction, both through the Resource Action Fund project administered by WRAP on behalf of Defra, and in the Step Zero program. Kitche has a bold approach in its mission to stop food waste in the home, and we’re delighted the company is working with many more partners to share its data on household food waste behaviours and help tackle this huge problem in the UK