
All Recipes

You can search for recipes that use the products you have At home, clever right? Go to your Recipes section and select Your Products to pull up filters for your recipe search. You can filter by dietary preferences and your products, simply select and apply filters. Scroll down to see all your delicious options!

You can also rate the recipes by selecting one and clicking on the thumbs up (if you like it) or the thumbs down (if it wasn’t so tasty). This will help others choose what to cook more easily!

Once you are on a recipe page you can also  add any ingredients you don’t have to your shopping list by clicking + Products to buy. So easy!

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Saved Recipes

If you want to save a recipe for later you can simply click the chef’s hat in the right hand corner of the recipe. Saving a recipe also gives it a thumbs up rating! You can access all your Saved Recipes by selecting the tab next to All Recipes at the top of the page! This is like your personal in-app recipe book!


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