Kitche’s Guide to Saving Food Waste at Christmas


Christmas food waste tips


‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to spread holiday cheer than by embracing a sustainable yet delicious Christmas feast? We’re here to share some festive tips on saving food waste during the most wonderful time of the year. Let’s make this holiday season not only tasty but also environmentally friendly.


Plan a Thoughtful Menu

The key to a waste-free Christmas feast begins with thoughtful planning. Take a moment to craft a menu that suits your guests’ preferences while minimising excess. Consider the number of mouths to feed and portion accordingly. This ensures everyone enjoys a hearty meal without leaving heaps of leftovers that might end up in the bin.


Embrace the Root-to-Stem (or Nose-to-Tail) Cooking Philosophy

Let’s get creative with our cooking! Instead of discarding parts of ingredients that are often overlooked, embrace the root-to-stem or nose-to-tail cooking philosophy. For example, use vegetable peels and scraps to make flavourful stocks or crisps. Transform meat trimmings into tasty broths or stews. By using every bit of your ingredients, you’ll not only reduce waste but also elevate the depth of flavours in your dishes.



Freeze and Preserve

The magic of Christmas doesn’t have to end with the day itself. Embrace the spirit of giving by freezing and preserving leftovers for later enjoyment. Create festive freezer-friendly meals, like turkey and cranberry hand pies or stuffing-stuffed mushrooms, that can be enjoyed in the weeks to come. Not only does this save food from going to waste, but it also gives you a head start on stress-free future meals.

Christmas food waste tips

Be Mindful of Serving Sizes

During the holiday season, it’s easy to get carried away with generous serving sizes. Encourage guests to take smaller portions initially, knowing that seconds (or thirds!) are always an option. This simple strategy can significantly reduce the amount of uneaten food left on plates, ensuring that more of the delicious feast is enjoyed and less ends up in the trash.


Compost Like a Pro

If, despite your best efforts, you find yourself with unavoidable food scraps, don’t let them go to waste! Set up a composting system to turn kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and even some leftovers can be composted, closing the loop on your Christmas culinary journey.



This Christmas, let’s celebrate the season with a mindful approach to food that honours both our taste buds and the planet. By planning thoughtfully, embracing creative cooking techniques, freezing leftovers, serving with mindfulness, and composting like pro’s, we can enjoy a festive feast that leaves a lasting impact – not on our bins, but on the joyful memories we create.


From all at Kitche we wish you a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter, and sustainable deliciousness!