If you are lucky enough to get some time to unwind this summer and are looking for some books to keep you entertained, we have a great list of our favourite books about food! These books aren’t recipe books as such but more delve into the concept of food in our modern world, the system around it and how we envision our food future! Food is a great lense to explore wider social and economic issues that we face today as it is the centrepiece of everyone’s daily life and an experience shared by all.  We think it is important to also showcase the amazing authors behind the books, their backgrounds and what has lead them to be a thought leader as well as a food lover.


For those of you who don’t have time to pick up a book, or reading just isn’t for you, we have also shared some podcast interviews with the authors so you to can get inspired!


Books About Food

“Ravenous” by Henry Dimbleby


“Ravenous”, published just over a month ago, is a MUST read! Henry, the Co-founder of the popular food chain Leon, was asked to write a national food strategy by DEFRA in 2020 (and part 2 in 2021). Most of his suggestions were completely ignored as they were considered too radical. In this book he lays out that strategy, delving into the research and logic behind his suggested policies focusing on food as both a health and environmental issue. Warning, you will devoir this book very quickly, the words are big and content compelling so make sure you bring another book if it’s a holiday read.

Henry is also a big advocate for food education and free school meals, as well as Chair and Co-founder of Chefs in Schools. The charity recruits restaurant chefs to work in schools, improving both school lunches and food education.

Here is an interview with Henry for intelligence squared; Here is an interview with him and Jemima Lewis(Co-author and his wife) for The Book Club.

Buy “Ravenous” here


“Sitopia” by Carolyn Steel


“Sitopia” uses food as a tool to explore society, history, philosophy and culture. The breadth of the book’s content is outstanding and it really takes you on a journey through time and space. The book argues the importance of food in shaping, well, everything and how we often fail to recognise its profound influence, facing the truth of our food system can often make us uncomfortable but is essential for creating a better world. The word “Sitopia” is from the Greek words sitos and topos ‘food place’ referring to planet earth and our home.

The author, Carolyn Steel, was previously an architect but became fascinated by the relationship between cities and food, this unique lense uncovers relationships that are rarely explored. She wrote her first book ‘Hungry City: How food shapes our lives’ in 2008 and 12 years later she published ‘Sitopia’ in 2020.

Listen to Carolyn on ‘I am.. With Johnny Wilkonson’, this is a really interesting interview with Carolyn and the transformative value of food!

Buy “Sitopia” here


“The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan


Micheal Pollan is a renowned journalist and author and writes about ‘the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: on our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in our minds.’ (quote from his website). The Omnivore’s Dilemma approaches the simple question: What should I have for dinner? Through his unique blend of personal experience and investigative journalism he looks at different food chains: industrial food, organic or alternative food, and food we forage ourselves. It will change the way you look at your food, but for the better. 

Pollan has so many other books to inspire! He has an entire books dedicated to caffeine and psychedelics and numerous other works about food including ‘Food rules’ and ‘In defense of food’, other thought provoking must-reads. 

If you are not the bookie type you are in luck, Michael Pollan has had many of his works remade in documentaries, which you can find on netflix and other platforms (check out a list here). He has also been interviewed numerous times. Check out some of his podcast interviews: His desert Island discs, his interview on The Diary of a CEO, his TED TALK ‘A Plant’s Eye View’.

Buy “Omnivore’s Dilemma” here


“Food for Life” by Tim Spector


Tim Spector is an epidemiologist (genetics) and leader of the world’s biggest twin study ‘TWIN UK’. Not all his books are about food, but he has two notable books ‘Diet Myth and ‘Spoon Fed’ and his more recently ‘Food for Life’ published in October. He writes with scientific rigour but is also very humorous. His focus is largely on nutrition and our gut health, he also delves into the food industry, eating habits and takes a comprehensive view on health that incorporates environmental health as well. He really loves all things fermented and talks on end about kimchi and kombucha, be warned. While we loved this book and think it makes a fantastic holiday read, it could also live alongside your recipe books to dip in and out off. There is no doubt you will learn a lot from ‘Food for Life’ and make more informed choices for yourself and the planet!

Tim also has a lot of media appearances if you would like to listen to him speak. You can listen to his recent ‘Talks at Google’ about “Food for Life” and an interview on Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee.

Buy “Food for Life” here


“Waste” by Tristram Stuart


Our final book recommendation is all about food waste! If you want to really understand the complexity of food waste (and it is very complex) then this is the book. This book is a feast of information but Tristram presents it neatly and gives us hope by presenting solutions to the problem. The book approaches the problem from a global perspecive and the narrative focuses on how food waste exasperates inequality and hunger.

Tristram himself is a hugely influential and passionate campaigner, He founded ‘Feed the 5,000’, the charity ‘Feedback’ and has also embarked on commercial enterprises such as ‘Toast ‘which makes beer out of bread that would go to waste. He is also a big advocate for gleaning – which is when you go to farmland and collect produce left by farmers. 

Check out Tristram’s TED TALK here.

Buy “Waste” here


In conclusion, these five remarkable books and their visionary authors offer a  literary feast for those seeking to deepen their understanding of food systems. From sustainable practices and urban design to ethical consumption and reducing waste, each work contributes unique insights and thought-provoking perspectives. So, as you embark on your June holiday reading, let these pages be your guide to an unforgettable exploration of the intricate world that nourishes us all.