We are excited to announce that we are launching a campaign to involve children in the fight against food waste, encouraging the younger generation to get creative in the Kitchen and waste less!

What is Mini Food Waste Warriors (MFWW)?

Mini Food Waste Warriors is designed to inspire young children to become active contributors in the Kitchen, from meal planning and food storage to cooking and portion control, we want children involved in the fight against food waste.

We shall encourage both parents and children by sharing helpful tips, fun games and activities and a variety of useful resources that appeal to children of all ages! We shall also be running some exciting competitions and challenges, so keep watching this space!

Mini Food Waste Warriors


Why is it important to teach children about food waste?

Food Waste is a massive problem, with ⅓ of all food produced globally going to waste! Not only are we throwing away food that could help feed the 815 million starving people on this planet, but food waste is a massive contributor to climate change and environmental degradation.  If food waste were a country it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases (after China & the USA). Just wow! 

Food waste is not going to disappear overnight (even if everyone was using Kitche, the causes are deeply rooted in the food system and cultural norms). Food waste will continue to be a problem for the next generation, who will face larger populations and more extreme weather conditions. It is important that we equip the children of today with the necessary skills and knowledge so that they become warriors, not wasters! 

Food habits are hard to break, so let’s make them positive and resourceful!Food Waste Warriors

If you would like to get involved and help us spread the word, please feel free to talk to us at hello@kitche.co